Latvian Online Dictionaries

An up-to-date list of free online dictionaries for learning Latvian.

This is an English-Latvian and Latvian-English online dictionary.

Even though it looks dated, it’s #1 on this list because it is very easy to use.

No one has any idea who they are or what their sources are but it works great.

  • English-Latvian, Latvian-English

Letonika logo

Letonika has various Latvian dictionaries, encyclopedia, literature books, folk stories as well as an online word conjugator.

It is maintained by Tilde, a Latvian software company that makes sure Latvian survives in the digital world. It also happens to be a company I used to work for.

The following dictionaries are available:

  • English-Latvian, Latvian-English
  • Russian-Latvian, Latvian-Russian
  • German-Latvian, Latvian-German
  • Lithuanian-Latvian, Latvian-Lithuanian
  • Latin-Latvian, Latvian-Latin
  • Estonian-Latvian, Latvian-Estonian

It’s free, but it will give you limited information.

If you want to see all details, it’s going to cost €0.50 for one day or €4.13 for 1 month. If you go to any library in Latvia, you will have full unlimited access when using the library’s internet connection.

tē logo

Tēzaurs is not really a dictionary but a thesaurus.

You can see the explanations and definitions of words (in Latvian), see their grammatical information and there’s also a word conjugator built in.

When I need to look something up to teach you guys, this is my go-to site. It also doesn’t hurt that it is run by the University of Latvia.

  • Latvian-Latvian (270 829)


The Latvian Language Agency offers a curated vocabulary of common words, phrases and terminology.

  • Latvian-English
  • Latvian-Russian
  • Latvian-French
  • Latvian-German

I am really underselling it here. If you click around you’ll find videos, interactive excercises, interviews, texts, etc.


Unlike other online dictionaries, this one lets you download dictionaries to your computer.

  • English-Latvian (70 002), Latvian-English (74 047)
  • Russian-Latvian (70 074), Latvian-Russian (84 651)


Wikipedia is an online encyclopedia that everyone can make changes to.

Wiktionary is an online dictionary that everyone can add words and make changes to.

  • Various languages (9 234 entries)


Latgalian is a dialiect of Latvian or some say it is a completely different language.

Most Latvians can understand a little Latgalian but can’t really speak it. This is a dictionary that helps us with that.

  • Latvian-Latgalian, Latgalian-Latvian (23 522)