Latvianized Names

When someone says their name, do you immediately know how to spell it?

Latvians do. Because we force everyone to latvianize their names.

What we do is take your name, listen to how you say it and then write it down using our alphabet and add an -s, -a or -e at the end.

For more background read this fantastic article: Why You Will Almost Definitely Have to Change Your Name When Speaking Latvian

Here is a list of some common names and how they are latvianized.

English Latvian
Peter Pēteris, Pīters
John Jānis, Džons
Alice Alise
Olivia Olīvija
Sophia Sofija
Emily Emīlija
Charlotte Šarlote
William Viljams
Ethan Ītans
James Džeimss
Alexander Aleksandrs
Michael Maikls, Mihaels
Benjamin Bendžamins
Oliver Olivers
Jack Džeks
Ryan Raijans
Matthew Metjū
Daniel Daniels
Anthony Antonijs
Jacob Džeikobs
Joshua Džošua
Tyler Tailers
Christopher Kristofers
Samantha Samanta
Ashley Ešlija
Natalie Natālija
Lily Lilija
Hannah Hanna

Can’t find your name? Not sure how it’s latvianized? Contact me and I will tell you!