VI Declension Nouns

Here is the complete list of the 6th (VI) declension Latvian nouns.

Most nouns in Latvians that end in -s are masculine and belong to the I, II or III declension. Here are nouns that end in -s but are feminine.

There’s not so many of them and you need to learn just a few.

It is the second least used declension in Latvian.

Most nouns in this table are in their dictionary form. Those that end in -is are more commonly used in the plural form.

Latvian English Frequency
acs eye 3781
nakts night 3391
durvis doors 2662
sirds heart 2256
valsts country 1949
asinis blood 1376
uguns fire 1079
balss voice 1020
debesis sky 998
zivs fish 942
auss ear 603
krūts boob 540
kārts card 350
brokastis breakfast 322
pils castle 291
klints cliff 254
smiltis sand 235
cilts tribe 212
vēsts notice 173
telts tent 162
govs cow 129
krāsns oven 113
zoss goose 99
ass axis 95
uts lice 73
nots note 46
kvīts reciept 45
kūts barn 41
plīts stove 31
maksts 29
nāsis 20
pirts 18
takts 17
blakts 17
klēts 17
dzirksts 16
rūts 15
pāksts 12
skrots 11
grunts 9
drāts 9
žults 8
šalts 7
dakts 6
vāts 4
pults 4
ģikts 3
birzs 3
izkapts 2
olekts 1
lecekts 1
bārksts 1
tāss 1
versts 0
vakts 0
spīts 0
laputs 0
dūksts 0
ilkss 0
igvāts 0
nīts 0
bikts 0
ģints 0
palts 0
krants 0

This is how I came up with this list

  • I analyzed over 1000 movie subtitles in Latvian
  • I used automatic language analysis tools (part-of-speech tagging)
  • I then verified the list manually
  • Derived words ar not included in this list (i.e. zivs, zivs, haizivs => zivs with a frequency of 3)
  • If a noun is used more commonly in the plural, I’ve listed the plural form
  • A frequency of 0 means it’s in the dictionary but was never used in the subtitles