What are the best books for learning Latvian?
Read on to find out.
I’ve already compiled reviews of books on learning Latvian on Latvian.rocks but in this post I’ve ordered them from wost to best in my subjective opinion.
#4 Latvian in Three Months
You may have already seen it because it might be the only book on learning Latvian that is available to you.
Maybe that’s because it’s a part of the very popular Language in three Months series or perhaps it’s because no one’s buying them because the books are not good.
This book is not very good if you want to learn Latvian.
It’s too concise. There’s very little grammar explanation. They throw entire declension tables at you at once, etc.
Not recommended.
#3 Latvian in 25 Lessons
It’s good if you have someone to help you learn Latvian. Like a teacher or perhaps a friend or loved one who knows a bit of grammar.
Because when it comes to grammar, you’re on your own.
Apart from that, it’s not a bad book.
#2 Colloquial Latvian
If you read the reviews you’ll find that there’s more praise for Latvian in 25 Lessons than for this book.
The reason I’m making it #2 on this list is because it actually explains grammar unlike all the other books before this one.
But it’s not the best unfortunately. It already assumes you know all the grammar terms so it can be confusing.
Is there perhaps a book that explains grammar as well as gently introduces you to it?
#1 Teach Yourself Latvian
Read my review of the book. Or rather, it’s a compliation of reviews about this book.
There is nothing but praise for it.
It’s currently the best book to learn Latvian and that I and many others highly recommend to complete beginners.
Teach Yourself Latvian is the clear winner so far.
But there’s also Complete Latvian by the same author that I have not reviewed it. I believe it is simply an updated version of the Teach Yourself Latvian. I’ll let you konw when I get my hands on it.
Do you agree with this list? If not, let me know.